Short one about the weekend

Post length: 275 words, just over 1 minute.

Les Mis was great!  It was really good all round, a good little trip, and well worth it!  One thing though, from a technical point of view – at first it was too loud (not just turned up too loud, but sounded to be stretching the system), but then in ‘Bring Him Home’ the lead microphone popped and seemed to loose a dynamic channel.  It meant it was quieter, but also that it sounded not quite as good through the sound system.  It didn’t matter much to us, because we were at the front (3 rows back), but I imagine it was a loss further back.  It did it again a bit later on as well, but didn’t seem to loose much, still an audible pop, but that was near the end, so it didn’t affect much.  Other than that, it was great!

Hmm, so the weekend was good.  Natalie stayed here Sunday night and we went Monday morning.  The hotel was a little under what we expected, but it wasn’t too bad really, and I slept well.  The alarm clock did its job well (it was far tooo loud, lol), and breakfast was nice.  I wasn’t impressed with Birmingham though, the center was alright, but a little cramped, and it didn’t seem to have much to it but nightclubs and conference centers.

I’m off to UMIST tomorrow to have a good look round, so that should be a good fun day – I’m going with Geraint so it should be a good laugh if nothing else.

That’s about all though, not much else to say really.  Nothing else has happened.  So I will be off.

Posted on Wednesday 2nd October, 2002 at 12:00 pm in Open Diary, Theatre, University.
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