Syndicate Out 0.8.2 /

Post length: 256 words, just over 1 minute.

I’m pleased to announce the availability of version 0.8.2 of the Syndicate Out WordPress plugin in the WordPress plugin repository. Versions 0.8.2 and are functionally the same, the latter is just a revision number bump.

Following a night of debugging, and with assistance of all the users who gave clues along the way, I believe I have finally tracked down and eliminated the bug introduced in the 0.8 release which was preventing the plugin from cross posting in some cases. Today’s release should fix the problem.

If you were experiencing problems with the 0.8 version I would encourage you to upgrade to 0.8.2(.1) and give it a try. If you’re one of the users who had reverted to 0.7 because of the 0.8 problems I’d also suggest you give the new version a spin and see if it works for you. I’m keen to know if the bug is now gone!

The immediate plan for 2014 is to prepare the plugin for localisation by adding i18n functions to output text before adding some of the most requested features including: syndicating old posts, syndicating media and attachments and post-by-post syndication. I’ll keep you updated on the progress of that functionality.

In the meantime I would love to know how people get on with the new release. As always feel free to add comments here or over on the forums and I’ll do my best to get back to you.

The plugin can be downloaded from the WordPress plugin repo, and you can keep up with the development over on the project’s GitHub.

Posted on Tuesday 31st December, 2013 at 2:04 pm in Syndicate Out.
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Hi Jonathon,

I am really excited about your syndication plugin, great work! I was wondering if you could syndicate meta description and other SEO content? I use Yoast SEO (along with half the planet) and wonder if both sites use the same SEO plugin if it is possible to match the two?

Thank you so much!


Posted on 16th Jan 2014 at 11:14 pm by Justin Walters.

I’m glad you like it.

I’ll have to take a look at how the SEO data is stored by the Yoast plugin to see if it would be possible to pass it to the receiving blog along with the post data. I’ll take a look.

Posted on 20th Jan 2014 at 12:27 pm by Jonathon.

Hi Jonathon,
I have just updated to and since then my website got an unwanted problem : it syndicate every post revisions and also most of post status (except Draft).
With the version, only Published post to be syndicated, and that is really what we want.May i know is it your new feature or simply my site has a problem? My site is running with WP 3.8.2
Anyway, many thanks for the nice plugin.

Posted on 12th Feb 2014 at 7:57 am by GM.

It would be great if it could syndicate posts as pending review. I also have problems to make it working ok on subdomains.

Posted on 11th Mar 2014 at 3:51 pm by An.

Thanks for your comments. Sending posts as pending review is on my todo list. I do need to investigate the subdomain issue.

Posted on 19th Mar 2014 at 9:49 am by Jonathon.

I see someone mentioned about your plugin syndicate out will be able to also syndicate media as well as post. Just using post alone will not work for us. Do you have any update on sending out media? By the way, your plugin is very easy to use.

Posted on 25th Mar 2014 at 12:52 am by Mike Giese.

I never much would like to look at this in one of the next few iterations. In your case, are you asking for ALL media to be syndicated or just media attached to a post which is syndicated?

Posted on 31st Mar 2014 at 5:47 pm by Jonathon.

Hello Jonathon,

Thanks for the concept of your plugin. Unfortunately doesn’t seem to work with my blog.

I’m running 2 blogs on WP 3.8.1. I think I’ve configured your plugin as instructed (which is rather simple) but when testing, nothing appears on the other end. How can I see if XML-RPC is activated on the receiving blog ?

Thanks for your support.


Posted on 31st Mar 2014 at 11:04 am by Jacques.

Hello again Jonathon,

I revised the post and it appeared perfectly on the other blog. So I wonder what happens on the first post, why isn’t it sent to the blog the very first time ?

Thanks for your support.


Posted on 31st Mar 2014 at 11:41 am by Jacques.

It seems the first post doesn’t go through. Only when the post is updated is it forwarded to the receiving blog. Why that ?


Posted on 31st Mar 2014 at 12:27 pm by Jacques.

OK, that’s interesting. I’m just about to release a new version which might fix the problem as I’ve shuffled a few bits of the syndication routine around to make it more efficient. If you’re comfortable installing a plugin manually then you can give the new version a spin before I push it to the repo. You can download it here: If not then that’ll be pushed to the WordPress repo in the next day or so.

Let me know how you get on!

Posted on 31st Mar 2014 at 5:51 pm by Jonathon.

Thanks a lot for your reply Jonathon. I’ll keep you informed. Thanks again.


Posted on 1st Apr 2014 at 2:55 pm by Jacques.

Hello Jonathon,

I updated your plugin beautifully.

First messages do go through when they are typed directly from the editing panel on the blog.

Most of the messages though are sent from a mail client to a plugin on the blog (I use “Postie”). These messages are not forwarded (syndicated out) to the other blog server when coming in. I must update them before they are sent over.

Any suggestions ? Could it be that “Syndicate-Out” is not compatible with some other plugins I run on the server ? But this is doubtful to me, since it works perfectly when editing from within the blog ; and always when updated.

Thanks for your great work and for your support.


Posted on 1st Apr 2014 at 5:35 pm by Jacques.

Thanks, that’s very helpful! I think you might be partly right that it’s another plugin causing the problem, but that it might be Postie itself. There are some safeguards in place in Syndicate Out to make sure it doesn’t get itself into a re-post loop, and it might be triggering those. I’ll take a look at Postie and see how that plugin carries out the post create. I might be able to tweak my plugin to place nice with it. I’ll let you know how I get on.

Thanks again for your valuable feedback.

Posted on 1st Apr 2014 at 7:43 pm by Jonathon.

I am the one to thank you Jonathon. Your concept is great and fully meets my requirements. In the mean time I think I can get along with it. Thanks again for a great job.

All the best. Have a nice day.


Posted on 2nd Apr 2014 at 8:10 am by Jacques.

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