It is with great (and slightly delayed) pleasure that I am able to announce the availability of Syndicate Out 0.8.3.
There are a number of changes and improvements in this version which are outlined below. This revision is pretty feature-heavy and should cover off a number of requests I’ve had over the past few years as well as bringing some performance enhancements. There’s a full list of changes below.
One major improvement with this version of the plugin is full i18n capability (and a Spanish translation, thanks to WebHostingHub). If you’d like to translate the plugin into any other languages then I would gratefully accept and roll the translation into the next release. You can find the required translation files in the plugin’s GitHub repo.
As always you can download the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory or via the WordPress auto updater. I love to hear feedback, comments, questions and suggestions. Just drop something into the comments below.
Changes with this release:
Hi Jonathon,
Is it able to sync tags in the Syndicate Out?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, it should sync tags by default when it sends the post.
I found that if I renew a post, it will posts a new post on the another blog。But I only want to renew the post on the two blog。 Is there some method to do this? Thanks
It should update the post on the other blog as you want by default. The only reasons I can think that it would not do that is if the additional metadata is not getting saved on the source blog, or the target blog isn’t accepting the post ID argument.
Are both blogs fully up-to-date? Are they both single WordPress blogs, rather than multi-site blogs?
Hey Jon – When I am creating new posts they are no longer Syndicating out to my other blogs. I double check and the log in credentials for these sites are still correct. Thoughts?
Hi Jonathon,
I posted my question in the wrong release. So post it here now.
Last year you mentioned that you were planning to fix Remote API problem.
I still have similar problem with 0.8.3.
Authentication: OK.
Remote API: .
And no posts pushed to the remote site.
To resolve the problem with 0.8.3.I installed 0.7 but now it even cannot authenticate. I have
Authentication: unknown.
Remote API: unknown.
Is there any way to solve this?
Can you help?
It’s hard to say off the top of my head. There is additional data available from the API response which the plugin currently doesn’t do anything with. I plan to add some debugging options which will hopefully help tracking down the remaining API/communications problems people are seeing. I’ll keep you updated.
I’m curious if there is a way to have an option to automatically publish syndicated blogs vs putting them into draft form. Perhaps this could be done on a per-account basis (meaning one site goes auto publish and another chooses to go to drafts only?) Please shoot me an email. Thanks.
The plugin is supposed to send the post with the same status as it has on the source blog, but I’m aware that at some times it does not do this. I am investigating this and have a lead which points to something to do with user credentials, but I do hope to get this fixed in a future release.
Hi Jonathon,
Is there any way I can send you more details or give you my login and password to both sites so that you can check. Badly need this functionality and can’t find any plugin that can offer this. If you know any other solution that can do this besides your plugin please let me know.
If you can help to debug your plugin on my site please send me your email and I will send you login information.
Thank you.
First of all thanks for this lovely plugin. It is a life saver and I really appreciate what you’ve done here. There are more XML-RPC related plugins missing and there is a growing need for them.
I would like to suggest two simple additions if I may:
1. Another option in “Transmit Categories” called “All except syndication category”. This would be awesome in my example, because I use one parent category for sorting posts, and a child category which needs to be transmitted. So this would be a great addition.
2. A “Push Post” button in the “Writing New Post” screen in WP and menu with all the sites to choose from. So instead of automatically syndicating every post from WP (or category), one should be able to disable automatic syndication. In this case the button “Push Post” can be used to push the post to a website of his preference.
3. Or to stretch this even further, one can push multiple posts from the “All Posts” page in WP. Selecting multiple posts and then choosing where to post them.
2 and 3 are an inspiration from the “ThreeWP Broadcast” plugin. It is a great and massive plugin, but the bad news is that it works with MultiSIte only. If something similar, but MUCH simplified version can be done which works through XML-RPC that would be a great addition and should become an extremely popular plugin among blog networkers. It will be huge.
Thanks for making this!
Thanks for your suggestions!
1) I’ll look at adding this, it should be simple enough and a good addition.
2) This should be possible since this version (v0.8.3). For the group you want to “push” syndicate, set the syndicate option to “selected posts”. This should add a “syndicate post” box on the right hand side of the new post screen (probably below tags) allowing you to push the post to only the selected remote sites when you publish the post.
3) This is a good idea. I’ve intended to add the functionality to syndicate historic posts for a while and perhaps this is a good way to do this kind of bulk syndication and kill two birds with one stone.
Hello Jonathon!
Wonderful plugin!
I used it in my website having a theme called eList. Whenever I created a new post, the post got published in both my websites.
But when I created a listing (a customized post created by the theme), the listing got added in the other website as a new post. I wanted it to be a listing.
Probably some additional info would have to be sent as metadata for the website to recognize it as a listing. Kindly help.
I would assume that a listing is a custom post type. I’m not sure off the top of my head how my plugin transmits custom post types, it’s possible I’m not handling them very well. I’ll add it as something to investigate.
Do you have the plugin installed on the other WordPress as well as the source WordPress?
No. I have the plugin installed on only one website – the one which sends the post to the receiver website.
Yes listing is a custom post type.
I went through the source code of both the eList theme and the SyndicateOut plugin. The listings need to have a post_type of ‘listing’. From how much I understood, your code seems to handle custom post types properly, but it’s not working in my case.
One more thing I noticed. The eList theme has categories for listings (just like we have for posts). Even these categories are not applied.
The listing is saved as a post with the category ‘Uncategorized’ irrespective of what category was selected for the listing.
This is the warning I get on creating a new listing (which does not occur while creating a new post)-
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/pizzeria/public_html/wp-content/plugins/syndicate-out/syndicate-out.php on line 376
The line points to the place where category information is processed.
That’s all very helpful, thank you. I’ll try and get some time to investigate this week.
Thank you! 🙂
Could you please post a comment here or mail me when it would get fixed?
Thanks for your previous reply Jonathon! I have to report an issue that might need addressing in the following versions.
Take the following example:
On the main site I have two parent categories: A and B. Both of these contain child categories called 1 and 2. So its like:
– 1
– 2
– 1
– 2
Now when I want to set Syndicate out to send posts from child category 1 from parent A. When I choose to Syndicate from selected category all categories are listed without it’s parent categories and so there are two 1 and two 2 categories. Therefore I’m not able to choose the right 1. Now imagine this issue with 20 parent categories containing a child cat called 1 and 2. It will be a total mess.
Possible solution would be when listing the categories in the syndicate menu, to list them with the parent category name in front of the child if there is one. For example currently they would be listed like:
And they need to look like:
A – 1
A – 2
B – 1
B – 2
And there would be no confusion when choosing the right category.
I hope I explained this issue well. I don’t think it should be much work for it, but definitely helps in a case where multiple child categories are used.
Btw, do you have a donate button anywhere? I’d really like to send a token of gratitude, if I may, to see this plugin developed further. Cheers!
Another small addition that I would like to suggest is the ability to Rename Syndication Groups to Custom names. This way it would be much more convenient when selecting the group you want from the post edit menu in wp.
If this post isn’t appropriate for posting suggestions, bug etc. please instruct me where to do that.
This is the perfect place to report things, thank you 🙂
I like this suggestion, I’ll take a look at this (and your other reports) in a few days when I get back from a short holiday. Thanks for all your help!
Looking for a plugin like yours that will also pull over featured images. Your plugin works very well with this one exception. Can you provide an update on whether this will be coming in a future release?
I’d like very much to implement this. It’s certainly on the roadmap but I don’t at this stage, have a timescale for it.
Hi Jonathon,
first of all thank you for your plugin.
Second: I have the same problem reported by Nomad on 30th May. I use WP 3.8.1 for both WordPress instances. When I “connected” the plugin from WordPress A to WordPress B, I saw:
Authentication: OK
Remote API: .
But then I installed your plugin on WordPress B and tried to connect to WP A: all works fine! The connection says:
Authentication: OK
Remote API: WordPress 3.8.1
So I think the problem is somewhere in WordPress configurations. I have to investigate more.
Third: I would like to suggest an improvement: sending some other info related to each post created/modified: the original author name, the original date-time (imagine two WordPress with different local time), the original permalink, any custom taxonomy assigned to the post, the URL of the featured image (if available) etc. All these data could be send as meta-data to the destination WordPress, so they will be saved in wp_postmeta table of destination DB. Is it possible? Don’t know if WordPress XMLRPC API allow this.
Bye 🙂
Hi Carlo,
I would be interested to know what you find with the configuration tests. When the remote API version doesn’t show up I assume it’s something to do with that data not being available from the remote API (and therefore, seemingly, also not being able to use the API to post either), but without being able to reproduce the problem it’s been a little bit hard to test and either fix or provide a suitable message for!
With regard to your third point — I think this is a good idea. You can certainly provide custom fields when posting via the API so I don’t see any reason why the plugin couldn’t transmit the data you mention with the post. It might actually be a good way to send a link to the original post too, which is a much-requested feature. Thanks for the suggestion!
I see you also suggested sending the original permalink… must read more carefully. But you know what they say — great minds link alike 😉
Works perfect when I manually post, but when I use WP Robot is does not. Is there a setting somewhere, or a tweak in the code I can do so it works with this?
I think this might be because of the way WP Robot posts to the blog, skipping some of the hooks I use. It’s not the first time I’ve had reports of problems when using auto-blogging tools.
I’ll take a look and see what I can find out.
Hey Jonathon, I know your probably short on time, but is there a certain cost I could pay for you to find a solution to the WP Robot issues, and to implement the ability to bulk load blogs vs. individually?
Please let me know, and shoot me a email either way.
I just wanted to chime in on the above to a) thank you for the great plugin and b) cast my vote for Scott’s suggestion of adding images (especially the “featured” image). That would be a huge help!
Does this work with WP4.0? I just updated it and tried this plugin, but it doesn’t seem to be working. At first, I did check “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” option on Settings>Reading page, but this seemed to be disabling “Update Services” section on Settings>Writing page. So, I disabled it, tried posting again, but still it doesn’t work.
I did configure the plugin, and it does say “Authentication: OK. Remote API: WordPress 4.0”.
Any help would be great. Thanks.
I am in the process of testing with WP4.0. It sounds like it’s logging in to the remote API correctly from the configuration screen, but I’ll have to have a deeper dig in order to check that it is all working as expected.
this there a way of syndicating the comments aswell ?
At the moment there isn’t, I’m afraid. Are you interested in syndicating comments from the source blog to the third party blog (ie. the same way as the post gets syndicated) or are you interested in getting comments on the source blog which are posted to blogs syndicated to (ie. the opposite direction to the blog post itself)?