
Post length: 711 words, just over 3 minutes.

Yep, I did go and see the film (he says almost a month after writing about going to see it).  I really liked it, and I am trying to find a time to go again, but its not really on at very convenient times anymore (at least not or bargin days, lol).

Yes, I know, its been too long again, and I have been meaning to write this for about a week now, but just have never got around to it.  Im making myself catch up now while I have the time to spare – I’m sitting in college trying to fill in the time I have spare from my cancelled physics lesson. [read more]

Posted on Tuesday 20th May, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Open Diary.
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Long entry, but I want to catch up

Post length: 2,114 words, about 9 and a half minutes.

Well I have so much to write about!  I’m starting this now (just gone 1am, Monday morning), but I bet I don’t end up finishing tonight, lol.  So here goes…

Well, its the holidays from college now (yey) actually has been for the last week, but I don’t seem to have had much rest – my computing project was supposed to have been in for the Friday that we broke up, but it wasn’t despite my staying up all night on Thursday to attempt to get it done.  I took what I had done of it (something like 27 pages) to David my tutor on Friday and told him that he could have that now, and I would give him more as I got it done (ie, over the weekend), or I could give him it all in one go later.  He said he would be in college on Thursday so I could get it to him then.  That was great, and so that’s what I did.  It still wasn’t finished though, but this time it wasn’t my fault – the people I made the system for didn’t get back to me with feedback quickly enough to be able to put in an appraisal – and I didn’t want to spend loads of money on a print out of my program listing for the appendix when I can do it free at college!  So I took the rest of it in on Thursday.  When I got there I found that the staff room was totally deserted, and on his desk was Paul’s project as well.  I don’t really know if that’s a good sign – had I missed the time he was in, so he will get it really late, or had he just not been in that day meaning that it wasn’t my fault?  Either way, I left it on the desk and went.  In the car park I helped to get a car going, and then went on clothes shopping. [read more]

Posted on Monday 21st April, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Life & Love, Open Diary.
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Natalie’s Email

Post length: 964 words, about 4 and a half minutes.


I have no idea how to start.  I’m just sat in front of my computer hoping that I’ll be able to find the appropreate way to say the things I want to say.  I guess this is one time when the well practiced English skills have deserted me.  Starting’s always the most difficult thing to do in letters and E-mails.  Once you have the start the rest should just come out of thin air.  But I’m a paragraph in and still have no idea how to say it.

I guess I’ve chosen this method of communication because it’s easier than doing things face to face.  I know we’ve talked but I’ve found it quite difficult to communicate my feelings to you that way.  I find verbally communicating my feelings daunting and a little bit frightening.  I know I always manage to mess up what I want to say when speaking to you because I get so nervous and just end up jibbering on or getting my words mixed up. Or I just end up missing the point entirely. [read more]

Posted on at 12:00 pm in Life & Love, Open Diary.
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8th April 2003

Post length: 404 words, almost 2 minutes.

I’m so glad the holidays are looming.  This is the last week before two weeks off…and its about time.  The scary thing about it is that after this holiday we will have just a few more weeks before the exams kick in…and I mean proper exams…like…the most important exams of my entire life :-\

It’s comforting a little to think that I could just do nothing for some of them and still pass, but I want to get into the Unis I have chosen, so I have to do well!  And talking about University, I got a letter from Exeter the other day about accommodation.  They have accommodation lists now, and a little posh booklet from which I need to pick where I want to live for at least one year of my life (that is if I get there…).  I think I’m going to put off choosing until the holidays though, because I don’t have the time to sit and talk to people about it (my parents, Natalie) at the moment.

And on the subject of Natalie – I’m going to spend lots of time with her in the holidays hopefully (around her work, and the college things Im going to do, and the revision we both are going to do…).  Umm, and that’s about all I can say about that, just that I’m going to try to be with her a lot.

And for the last week I have…umm…well done college stuff mainly – I have had to get my computing done (last minute rush, hehe).  I have done it, but now have 2 nights to get the documentation done to the point that I can hand it in…blah.  Friday I am having 3 hours of politics (that’s 10.30-11.30, 1-2, 3-4) which will be joyful (yeah, right), and then in the first week of the holidays I have penciled in 3 other lessons for ‘revision’ (it will be for the other 3 who are taking it, but new for me because I’m behind, apparently)…and they are in the evenings of the Monday and Tuesday, and then some other time for Wednesday (I think, can’t quite remember).

Finally, my parents are off to Malta in the second week of Easter…so I will be at home, and I have invited Natalie to come and stay with me the nights they are gone.  So hopefully 🙂

And that’s it I think!

Posted on Tuesday 8th April, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Open Diary, University.
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General nothing, and Josh’s leaving things…

Post length: 822 words, about 3 and a half minutes.

Ooh, back again, just in time to see March out…and again I can’t think of a title for the entry, lol.

It’s all because nothing is happening, so I have nothing to write about.  College rolls on and on (and on, and on, etc.).  I just can’t wait to get out…and I think everyone I know feels the same – its not just people at my college, people at my old school feel the same, and people I know at other colleges feel the same.  It’s just time for us all to move on, and find something different to do.  Something different like Uni…but I need to get there yet…that’s the thing – I have to work hard now when I don’t want to, and don’t feel enthused to, in order to get to there where I will want to.  Blah, life is hard 😛

I’m still working on my computing project, but I think I will have it done tomorrow or Wednesday (at least I damn well hope so – its already taken a day longer than I wanted it to, although, granted I didn’t work at it as much as a planned last week (going out and all that…actually, did I talk about that last entry?  I don’t think I did…on to that in a second), lol. [read more]

Posted on Monday 31st March, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Life & Love, Open Diary.
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23rd March 2003

Post length: 393 words, about 1 and a half minutes.

Argh, nearly a month (and I did try at one point, but it didn’t work), hmm, never mind its all been kinda the same…sooo…

Yeah, so I’m taking time out from my computing project which I am really going at now – it has to be done by the Easter holidays so I have two weeks, and an entire thing to write :-\ I will do it, hehe. [read more]

Posted on Sunday 23rd March, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Open Diary.
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We didn’t win…

Post length: 360 words, about 1 and a half minutes.

…and we didn’t come 2nd, 3rd or 4th.  But honestly that’s not the point.  It was a lot of fun!

Do you remember back a while ago I wrote about a competition our band was going to enter?  Well it was last night.  We didn’t win.  We didn’t expect to win either – it was only our first ever public performance for one thing, and for another we aren’t all that good 😉 [read more]

Posted on Thursday 27th February, 2003 at 12:00 pm in Life & Love, Open Diary.
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Tooo long again, but here is another update!

Post length: 604 words, about 2 and a half minutes.

Ooops, its been a bit too long…I’ve had quite a lot on, and I just sort of have forgotten (I have not done any diaries actually – even the one for the project that I am doing has been left…while I have been working on the thing :-\ lol.
Anyway, hmm, well its the holidays this week (half term), but I haven’t really stopped.  Tomorrow is about the only day that I haven’t got anything really to do, so I’m going to use it to rest and I think change my bed and some college work.  Probably just sleep. [read more]

Posted on Thursday 20th February, 2003 at 12:00 pm in Life & Love, Open Diary, Theatre, University.
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Post length: 349 words, about 1 and a half minutes.

…all my exams are over!  For now at least.  They start again in May/June.

I did my final exam on Monday morning – it was Physics unit 4, and it was hard :-\  But never mind, we will see how it goes, and I can always do it again in June (I don’t want to, but I can, lol).

The rest of the week has been pretty laid back (sort of mainly because I have made it laid back with choosing not to do much, lol).  I have done a little college work, although I haven’t had any set, I have worked on my computing project a little, so that’s coming on.  Other than that I havn’t done much. [read more]

Posted on Thursday 30th January, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Open Diary.
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Exams and things

Post length: 495 words, just over 2 minutes.

Well then, I’m in college and have just had an exam (well, I say just but that’s not quite true – it finished at 10.30 and its now 11.20, but I haven’t done anything in between.  There was supposed to be a physics lesson at 10.45 so I sat outside the room waiting until about 10 to 11 when the biology teacher came out and said she hadn’t seen Duncan, so she rang through to the office to see if he was in.  He isn’t – he is ill.  So I wandered up to see if I could find Fiona and tell her that I didn’t want to wait about for an hour and a half until General Studies with nothing to do…I couldn’t find her at all so I was about to go when she came round the corner.  I said to her that I was probably going home, but she pretty much begged me to come to the lesson, so I said I would do…and I thought I would come in here to do this to fill in the time…so here I am!). [read more]

Posted on Thursday 23rd January, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Open Diary.
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