Aldershot Live Music Day

Post length: 78 words, about 0 and a half minutes.

Aldershot Live Music Day

Last weekend saw Aldershot Live Music Day — an event held across three stages in the town centre showcasing a range of live artists and bands. As I didn’t have anything else on this weekend I decided to take my camera out and have a look.

I have added a full straight colour edit of my photos to my gallery, but thought I’d also produce some more ‘rocky’ style black and white images. [read more]

Posted on Tuesday 24th July, 2012 at 10:34 pm in Arts & Ents, Photography, Photos.
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Long entry, but I want to catch up

Post length: 2,114 words, about 9 and a half minutes.

Well I have so much to write about!  I’m starting this now (just gone 1am, Monday morning), but I bet I don’t end up finishing tonight, lol.  So here goes…

Well, its the holidays from college now (yey) actually has been for the last week, but I don’t seem to have had much rest – my computing project was supposed to have been in for the Friday that we broke up, but it wasn’t despite my staying up all night on Thursday to attempt to get it done.  I took what I had done of it (something like 27 pages) to David my tutor on Friday and told him that he could have that now, and I would give him more as I got it done (ie, over the weekend), or I could give him it all in one go later.  He said he would be in college on Thursday so I could get it to him then.  That was great, and so that’s what I did.  It still wasn’t finished though, but this time it wasn’t my fault – the people I made the system for didn’t get back to me with feedback quickly enough to be able to put in an appraisal – and I didn’t want to spend loads of money on a print out of my program listing for the appendix when I can do it free at college!  So I took the rest of it in on Thursday.  When I got there I found that the staff room was totally deserted, and on his desk was Paul’s project as well.  I don’t really know if that’s a good sign – had I missed the time he was in, so he will get it really late, or had he just not been in that day meaning that it wasn’t my fault?  Either way, I left it on the desk and went.  In the car park I helped to get a car going, and then went on clothes shopping. [read more]

Posted on Monday 21st April, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Life & Love, Open Diary.
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We didn’t win…

Post length: 360 words, about 1 and a half minutes.

…and we didn’t come 2nd, 3rd or 4th.  But honestly that’s not the point.  It was a lot of fun!

Do you remember back a while ago I wrote about a competition our band was going to enter?  Well it was last night.  We didn’t win.  We didn’t expect to win either – it was only our first ever public performance for one thing, and for another we aren’t all that good 😉 [read more]

Posted on Thursday 27th February, 2003 at 12:00 pm in Life & Love, Open Diary.
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Tooo long again, but here is another update!

Post length: 604 words, about 2 and a half minutes.

Ooops, its been a bit too long…I’ve had quite a lot on, and I just sort of have forgotten (I have not done any diaries actually – even the one for the project that I am doing has been left…while I have been working on the thing :-\ lol.
Anyway, hmm, well its the holidays this week (half term), but I haven’t really stopped.  Tomorrow is about the only day that I haven’t got anything really to do, so I’m going to use it to rest and I think change my bed and some college work.  Probably just sleep. [read more]

Posted on Thursday 20th February, 2003 at 12:00 pm in Life & Love, Open Diary, Theatre, University.
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and to catch up…

Post length: 1,047 words, about 4 and a half minutes.

Ahhh then, what has happend since last time…lets see…

Last Wednesday I had a dentist appointment (which I know I mentioned), and I went, and it was alright – my mum rang ahead and they said there was just one form to sign and that was it.  That wasn’t quite true.  There was a form that I had to fill in about my education, and one about my teeth and dental history (and health in general – allergies, etc.).  So I did that, but I didn’t know when I last went to the dentist (which was one of the questions), so I left it – pretended that I hadn’t seen it, and thought that it wouldn’t matter anyway…so as I sat there in the dentists chair (looking up at an areal photo he has of the town on the ceiling), and I saw him reach for the form, have a glance though it and then he asked me when I last saw a dentist.  It was typical – the one thing that I didn’t know so missed off he thought was the most important thing on the form, lol.  I had to admit that I didn’t know, so he must have known I missed it off on purpose (oh well…). [read more]

Posted on Thursday 16th January, 2003 at 12:00 pm in Life & Love, Open Diary.
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