I’ve been useless at writing recently. I’ve got lots to write about, and I’ve failed. I think generally I’ve had a few things to do in the evening when I would normally write this which have taken precedence (although I’ve been a bit useless doing most of those things, too). I’m going to try to catch up with a few things in one go here, but I’ll try to write in more detail about a couple of other things soon.
Welcome to 2009, if a little late.
To be honest I don’t have much to write about over Christmas and New Year. Christmas day was spent at my brother’s house in York. My parents collected my Grandma on Christmas eve, she stayed at their house for the night, we went to York about lunch time on Christmas day, and then my parents took Grandma home again that night. I got to stay at my brother’s for the night. That was OK in the end. I was a little worried about how that would go — my brother and I aren’t really all that close, although we do get on well, and I’m not really all that talkative — but it turned out fine. We played a board game which I won, and my brother’s wife got a little bit tipsy which made conversation go a little more easily. [read more]