West End Live

Post length: 94 words, about 0 and a half minutes.

Information stand at the 2010 West End Live event

In the spirit of my previous post, and because I’ve already released a couple of these photos under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence, I’ve decided to post a few of photos I took at the West End Live event last weekend.  I’ll try to do this more often when I take my camera out just for fun.

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Posted on Friday 25th June, 2010 at 2:17 am in Photos, Theatre.
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Punch drunk

Post length: 1,247 words, about 5 and a half minutes.

It’s an unnerving experience when you are buried in your work, take a quick break, look out of the window and find yourself looking either at the ground or up into the air.  Still I’m not going to complain – it’s a good thing because it means the train is managing to reach it’s top speed.  On the way up north we were stuck in ‘non-tilt mode’, apparently.  This time we clearly are not.  I think I could make that say something about how the south views the north, but I’m sure it’s nothing to do with that. [read more]

Posted on Monday 10th March, 2008 at 3:10 pm in Obiter dicta, People.
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Short one about the weekend

Post length: 275 words, just over 1 minute.

Les Mis was great!  It was really good all round, a good little trip, and well worth it!  One thing though, from a technical point of view – at first it was too loud (not just turned up too loud, but sounded to be stretching the system), but then in ‘Bring Him Home’ the lead microphone popped and seemed to loose a dynamic channel.  It meant it was quieter, but also that it sounded not quite as good through the sound system.  It didn’t matter much to us, because we were at the front (3 rows back), but I imagine it was a loss further back.  It did it again a bit later on as well, but didn’t seem to loose much, still an audible pop, but that was near the end, so it didn’t affect much.  Other than that, it was great! [read more]

Posted on Wednesday 2nd October, 2002 at 12:00 pm in Open Diary, Theatre, University.
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A bit irritated

Post length: 694 words, just over 3 minutes.

Hmm, I’m a little annoyed, I’ll tell you why, because it might make me feel a little better…so anyway…

I know its not really a big thing, but it made me annoyed – just that, because (I imagine its because of this), I was younger than him, he thought I was totally useless, or at least incompetent in something which I have been doing at a pretty high level (if I do say so myself, lol), for years.

Let me explain.  There is a university choir singing at my mum’s church on Sunday, and they arrived today so they could rehearse tomorrow.  With them they brought a synthesizer to do part of their accompaniment.  Now, last year, we provided a keyboard and amplification, and this year they just wanted the amplification, so I did the same setup, and sat about in case they needed help getting the synthesizer to work with it. [read more]

Posted on Friday 21st June, 2002 at 12:00 pm in Arts & Ents, Obiter dicta, Open Diary.
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