For a few years now I have been keeping my eyes peeled while out with my cameras for images which I think would make nice computer wallpapers. I use a few computers and I like to keep the wallpaper fresh by changing it occasionally. While I haven’t amassed a lot of images, 24 at the moment, I have quite a nice selection.
The images have always been available on my website if you knew where to look, but I thought I might as well make them a little easier to get to. So I’ve created a page with all 24 images, and will add the new ones to it as I create them. As they are generally for my computers they’re mostly cropped to 1920 x 1080 and I won’t be making different resolution versions. Feel free to use them for wallpapers yourself if you like them, but they are all under copyright and you will need a commercial license for any other use.
The 20th and 21st of September was the weekend of the Open House London event for 2014. I had been to a previous Open House event with some friends and enjoyed it, even though we’d only managed to see one property, so I thought it was about time I went back and did it again. This time I went with Monica and we planned the day a little better. We had a few different places on the list of buildings we wanted to see, most of them around Westminster. We only managed to get to three in the end but I was pleased with the selection, and there’s always next year. The full set of photographs can be seen here.
The first building was the Royal Courts of Justice. It is a large Victorian Gothic style building built in the late 1800s on the Strand. Once through security you find yourself at the front of the 238 feet long Main Hall. [read more]
I’ve finally finished migrating the gallery pages from my old bespoke gallery system into WordPress. Other than the time it took to re-upload all the images (more than 8,000 in total), the transfer went relatively painlessly. There are two pieces of work left to do: firstly I need to fix the category links so that they are pretty rather than using querystrings, and secondly I want to see if I can, in bulk, update the upload time of each image to match the (manually set) published time of the gallery. I’ll be taking a look at those little things over the next few days.
This finally puts to rest my old gallery system. I started developing the system way back in 2002 to make it easier for me to share the photos I had taken at events with my friends. Before that point I’d simply used a static HTML system. The old galleries have been through a number of re-writes and additions over that time, as well as seeing a couple of re-designs, but with less time to pay attention to them the code had fallen somewhat into dis-repair. By moving to a custom post type based gallery system within WordPress I hope to be able to spend the time I used to spend maintaining the old system to add functionality. [read more]
Last weekend saw the hottest days of the year so far, so I decided I would take my camera out to the seaside. Having previously taken a trip to Brighton, I decided to head down to Bournemouth. Apparently I wasn’t alone. There is a full gallery in the photos section of this website, but I decided also to have a play with one or two of the photos, and the results are below. As it’s the great British seaside, I was aiming for old postcard style. [read more]
The year 2012 saw the Olympics heading for London for the third time in modern Olympic history. For two weeks London was taken over by the games and all the infrastructure which comes with it. Not living in London meant the games didn’t affect me directly (except with the TV schedules, and knowing that the Team GB Synchronised Swimming team train the the pool just down the road), but I still felt that I wanted to at least have a little to do with it — after all I can’t imagine London, or anywhere else in the UK, being awarded the games again in my lifetime. So, last Saturday, I headed into the capital with my cameras to see what I could find down on The Mall where the walk races were taking place.
I took the tube from Waterloo to Green Park and walked down through the park to the exit by Constitution Hill. I spent quite a few hours around the course, snapping away at what was going on before hand, before finally taking a place at the barrier right outside of Buckingham Palace, just in front of the misting shower, to watch the race. [read more]
Last weekend saw Aldershot Live Music Day — an event held across three stages in the town centre showcasing a range of live artists and bands. As I didn’t have anything else on this weekend I decided to take my camera out and have a look.
I have added a full straight colour edit of my photos to my gallery, but thought I’d also produce some more ‘rocky’ style black and white images. [read more]
In the spirit of my previous post, and because I’ve already released a couple of these photos under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence, I’ve decided to post a few of photos I took at the West End Live event last weekend. I’ll try to do this more often when I take my camera out just for fun.
I’d been planning for a while to take my camera out to Brighton but hadn’t really had much chance — it takes while to get there (via Clapham Junction), and whenever I’d had a free day the weather hadn’t been up to much — until yesterday. I was lucky enough to be doing a shoot on Brighton pier, and as it was a glorious Saturday I decided to hang around for a bit and get some shots in for fun. The following photos (along with sunburn) are some of the results.
I feel bad. This month I’ve let myself down. There was a run of 4 days and have been quite a few separate days when I didn’t get a picture for my daily photo gallery, and at least one where I took a picture on a different day to the day I filed it under (although in this case the image was related to the day I labelled it as…). I must try harder.
Catch up with the gallery here:
I’ve been thinking: as a photographer I don’t take enough photos. I don’t mean that in reference to work — when I’m working at an event I shoot hundreds of pictures — but rather in my day-to-day life. I never leave the house without a camera, either one of my work cameras, my general compact, or my phone (which has a better CCD built in than my first digital camera had (although the lens leaves plenty to be desired)), but I just don’t stop to take pictures when I’m out and about of the things which make up my every day life.
So I’ve decided to change this. My plan is to take a picture every day. The pictures might be anything — something I did, something which interested me, just something I saw — but whatever the pictures end up being, the hope is that they will build up a montage of my life.
I can’t promise I’ll upload the images every day and, I can’t even promise I’ll manage to get an image every day, but I will do my best and I’ll let you know how I get on. You can follow the images on my daily photo gallery.