More than a year after the previous release of Syndicate Out, this weekend I pushed version 0.9 to the WordPress plugin repository. Work on this version started in January 2015 and it includes a range of improvements and bugfixes which have been the highest priority requests including transmission of featured images and fixes to improve the syndication of custom meta added by other popular plugins. The full changelog is as follows:
I have just pushed version 0.8.4 of the Syndicate Out plugin for WordPress to the plugin repository. This version is the same as the v0.8.4 release available on GitHub for about a week. As always, I look forward to feedback and suggestions on this release.
0.8.4 brings with it a couple of major improvements. The biggest bugfix is in scheduled posts: before this release scheduled posts were synced, but with the current date meaning that on the receiving blog they were published immediately rather than on the specified date. There is also a user interface improvement for the settings page. By using WordPress’ build in tabs, the syndication groups are better separated meaning they should be easier to manage for sites with large syndication networks. This also opens the door to other more detailed settings being introduced without causing the settings page to become a mess. Finally, the plugin now has a number of hooks and filters to allow other plugins to work with it. Those are documented further down in this post. [read more]
It is with great (and slightly delayed) pleasure that I am able to announce the availability of Syndicate Out 0.8.3.
There are a number of changes and improvements in this version which are outlined below. This revision is pretty feature-heavy and should cover off a number of requests I’ve had over the past few years as well as bringing some performance enhancements. There’s a full list of changes below.
One major improvement with this version of the plugin is full i18n capability (and a Spanish translation, thanks to WebHostingHub). If you’d like to translate the plugin into any other languages then I would gratefully accept and roll the translation into the next release. You can find the required translation files in the plugin’s GitHub repo.
As always you can download the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory or via the WordPress auto updater. I love to hear feedback, comments, questions and suggestions. Just drop something into the comments below. [read more]
I’m pleased to announce the availability of version 0.8.2 of the Syndicate Out WordPress plugin in the WordPress plugin repository. Versions 0.8.2 and are functionally the same, the latter is just a revision number bump.
Following a night of debugging, and with assistance of all the users who gave clues along the way, I believe I have finally tracked down and eliminated the bug introduced in the 0.8 release which was preventing the plugin from cross posting in some cases. Today’s release should fix the problem.
If you were experiencing problems with the 0.8 version I would encourage you to upgrade to 0.8.2(.1) and give it a try. If you’re one of the users who had reverted to 0.7 because of the 0.8 problems I’d also suggest you give the new version a spin and see if it works for you. I’m keen to know if the bug is now gone!
The immediate plan for 2014 is to prepare the plugin for localisation by adding i18n functions to output text before adding some of the most requested features including: syndicating old posts, syndicating media and attachments and post-by-post syndication. I’ll keep you updated on the progress of that functionality.
[read more]
It seems like everyone uses GitHub these days so I thought I should probably jump on the bandwagon. Therefore I’ve created a couple of repos for my current WordPress plugin projects: Syndicate Out and a new plugin which I have yet to publish Folksy Shop (a plugin which helps Folksy sellers display their items on their own site using the Folksy system as a master management system).
My hope is that by having them in GitHub I’ll be able to more effectively manage the development process of the projects, as well as my own time, and allow people to more easily submit patches and bugs relating to the plugins.
Both projects are open source so I invite people to take a look and throw any comments my way. My GitHub profile is here: ConfuzzledDuck on GitHub.
I’ve just pushed version 0.8 of the Syndicate Out plugin to the WordPress plugin repository. This version’s major claim to fame is the switch from the Moveable Type API calls to the native WordPress API calls, although it addresses a few other issues too.
Hopefully this shift from the MT calls to the WP calls will be a good foundation for the plugin going forward — it should allow me to much more easily introduce the new functionality which people have been asking for, including syndication of media (including featured images) as well as opening up the possibility to greatly enhance functionality by having a receiving side plugin which extends the receiving blog.
On Friday I released version 0.7 of the Syndicate Out plugin to the WordPress plugin repository. This is a pretty minor update to cover testing up to and including WordPress 3.5 and to give the settings pages an overhaul in preparation for the next round of development which will see some major changes to the API interaction functionality, requiring changes to the settings system. I’ll post with some additional information regarding the roadmap shortly.
As it’s been a few years since the last release of this plugin I’m hoping I’ve covered all the bases and this update will be painless. Let me know below if you encounter any problems. The plugin can be downloaded from the WordPress plugin directory. The following has been changed in this version: [read more]
As I mentioned previously I have a number of projects on the go. Some of them are for fun, some of them hopefully will lead to something, at least one of them is a long overdue favour for someone which will also free up some of my time. As part of my plan for 2013 I’d like to pick up these projects and make some progress. My plan is to have two projects on the go at any one time, alternating between them each time I work (hopefully most nights in the week), and to pick a long term project to work on for a while along side a number of shorter projects (or at least projects which have a shorter release cycle).
The first thing I have in mind is to finish off converting the Calderdale Theatre School website to WordPress. The people who I’m doing it for have asked if there is any way they can update it themselves, and I’d love to give them one. The complication so far has been integrating the production pages and callendar into WP in a suitable way. I have started this and made good progress on the main content pages at the end of last year, but haven’t given much thought to the other sections. My current thinking is that I will leave those pages running on the legacy code for now and publish the rest in the new WP format. [read more]
I’ve just published a minor update to the Text Obfuscator WordPress plugin to the plugin directory. This is an update I have sat on for a while but have decided to push in its current form.
There are only minor changes in this version:
I hope the white space handling will help out a few people who wish to match strings which include white space before and after their match string. Please leave a comment if you run into any problems with this release!
After quite a lot of silence on this front, this morning I released version 1.3 of the Text Obfuscator plugin for WordPress. This version contains some new features and an overhaul to the user interface with the aim of making it a little easier to configure especially in light of the growing feature set. If you’re using the plugin I’d love to hear your feedback.
The full changelog is below:
The plugin can be downloaded from the WordPress Plugin Directory.