A little while ago I was asked to write something for a book being put together to be presented to a teacher who was leaving my old theatre school. I thought I would write about something I had photos of — the day before his wedding. After much procrastination I finally sat down one night and wrote this short piece. [read more]
Guess what I mean…yes, blah, exams! Well that’s all that I have left now – General Studies, and two Physics exams. I finish on the 26th (I think it is – a week on Thursday), and then that’s it until uni (this is the plan at least, lol). I had computing today, but I’m not going to talk about it…its not worth it, however well I did will be found out in the middle of summer.
The problem with not talking about exams though is that it doesn’t leave much to talk about, because I’m not doing much else at the moment. About the most exciting thing I can talk about is the weekend…so here we go…a detailed account 😉 [read more]
Well there goes another entry (heh, it seems to be calming to write this from college after exams, lol). I should be in general studies now, but I’m not going to go – my excuse is that I’m stressed about the exam I just had (or something…). That’s one thing that is odd – we don’t have exams leave as such. They decided that they would carry on running lessons up to the exams, but we get the day before any exam off so we could revise. I think generally people are taking that as being ‘it doesn’t matter if you don’t go to lessons, no one will complain’.
Anyway, enough with talk of exams (that was the last entry!). Its spring bank holiday next week, hurrah. It will give me chance to have at least some kind of rest, even if I have promised to go into Age Concern at some point over the holidays (rather was nagged into it by my mother, lol). [read more]
Ooops, its been a bit too long…I’ve had quite a lot on, and I just sort of have forgotten (I have not done any diaries actually – even the one for the project that I am doing has been left…while I have been working on the thing :-\ lol.
Anyway, hmm, well its the holidays this week (half term), but I haven’t really stopped. Tomorrow is about the only day that I haven’t got anything really to do, so I’m going to use it to rest and I think change my bed and some college work. Probably just sleep. [read more]
…all my exams are over! For now at least. They start again in May/June.
I did my final exam on Monday morning – it was Physics unit 4, and it was hard :-\ But never mind, we will see how it goes, and I can always do it again in June (I don’t want to, but I can, lol).
The rest of the week has been pretty laid back (sort of mainly because I have made it laid back with choosing not to do much, lol). I have done a little college work, although I haven’t had any set, I have worked on my computing project a little, so that’s coming on. Other than that I havn’t done much. [read more]
Well then, I’m in college and have just had an exam (well, I say just but that’s not quite true – it finished at 10.30 and its now 11.20, but I haven’t done anything in between. There was supposed to be a physics lesson at 10.45 so I sat outside the room waiting until about 10 to 11 when the biology teacher came out and said she hadn’t seen Duncan, so she rang through to the office to see if he was in. He isn’t – he is ill. So I wandered up to see if I could find Fiona and tell her that I didn’t want to wait about for an hour and a half until General Studies with nothing to do…I couldn’t find her at all so I was about to go when she came round the corner. I said to her that I was probably going home, but she pretty much begged me to come to the lesson, so I said I would do…and I thought I would come in here to do this to fill in the time…so here I am!). [read more]
It’s been wonderful, really, really nice.
On Saturday, I went to theatre school as normal, and met up with all my friends and Natalie, then we went off to Burger King as usual, and ate.
Natalie was supposed to be going on on her work’s Christmas party (and I was supposed to be shopping with Ben for Christmas stuff while she was there), but it was cancelled, so we had the whole day together. We went to visit her grandparents, and then… [read more]