As I look out of the window and the clouds below us, and the mountains below that, I’m minded to think that saying goodbye to Romania and hello again to England bears a similarity to saying goodbye to the previous year and hello to the next. Alright, so we did that just under a week ago officially, and of course the flight is from one known to another, but you see what I’m getting at. I would like to say something poetic like how flying makes me reflect on my life — so far above the world, and so personally helpless, that my thoughts are free to turn to how I can improve the things I do have control over — but in honesty that’s not true (besides, with so many screaming kids on this flight, it’s hardly conducive to poetic thinking). It does, however, give me time to write.
I didn’t go into 2012 with big plans which I can reflect on at the end of the year. I thought, perhaps, I might have changed jobs, but in the end things didn’t pan out that way; I suppose, in honesty, I didn’t try all that hard so perhaps the whole situation wasn’t as bad as I thought it might have been at some points in the year. I didn’t think I’d come so close to being upgraded as part of the British Airways Executive club; although I didn’t make it, one economy to business class upgrade on my last flight of the year would have tipped the balance. [read more]
This was the view from my window at 7.35am on the 2nd of February 2009 following what they say was the heaviest snow fall in the UK for nearly 20 years.
I’m not sure that’s true though. I’ve lived in the north for most of my life, and it’s not unknown to get pretty heavy snow up there. I remember one winter not long after we had moved to Halifax there was a heavy snowfall. It came on very quickly and people weren’t prepared. The council opened the town hall up to look after people stranded in the town centre for the night and schools were closed. But the council did their thing and next day everything was back to normal.
Oooooh, hehe, well then, for all the nerves that I had before, I now have a job 🙂
Ages ago I took a form into Dixons about part time Christmas work, and then forgot about it (it was ages, even before the Matalan interview). On Saturday, the manager rang my house in the morning (when I was out at Theatre school), and wanted to arrange an interview for today (Monday). My mum rang Natalie’s mobile to tell me that he had rang, and that I should call into the shop when I was in Halifax. After our regular eat at Burger King on Saturday (and the no show of Emma and the apparently wonderful Mike (who none of us have actually met yet, despite arranging it a million and one times)…surprise surprise – she was stuck in traffic apparently, which obviously meant she couldn’t ring to tell us that she wouldn’t be there…), I went in and organised an interview for 11 o’clock. Originally they suggested 10, and normally on a Monday I would have been able to get to that, but this week I had arranged an extra politics lesson for then…so I had to say 11 (or actually, they suggested it, and I agreed, lol). Anyway, I went in and Simon, the store manager, came down. [read more]
Yey! Well, that’s all my exams out of the way, yey. I had my last one today – Physics. The first one wasn’t too bad, but the second one wasn’t good – it had a lot of nuclear physics in it, and we didn’t cover that much so I’m not too sure on it. Heh, anyway, that’s it for this year, and I can sit back for a while until the results come through! [read more]