Old school work

Post length: 224 words, almost 1 minute.

With the recent upgrade of my computer I had reason to copy a lot of data from an old hard disk to my new computer. While doing this I came across some of my old school work, both from GCSE and A-level.

Given I’m unlikely to find any use for these things in the future, and that there’s a tiny chance they might help someone somewhere along the line, I thought I would post them here.  There’s work from English, Expressive Arts, Geography, German, Media Studies, and Physics at GCSE and Politics and Sociology at A-level.  I’ll put them up over time and add them to the ‘School Work‘ category.

While I can’t promise any of them are any good (bear in mind I was between 15 and 18 when they were written), I’m happy for people to use any information or ideas contained in them for non-commercial purposes so long as they credit this blog.  Therefore, I’ve chosen to release everything under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 2.0 UK: England & Wales Licence (similar to the daily photo, but with the non-commercial clause).  Finally, while I hope it goes without saying I’ll say this anyway: don’t just submit my work as your own — it’s plagiarism, a breach of the licence terms, and will most likely mean you get no marks at all when you’re found out!

Posted on Wednesday 17th June, 2009 at 11:28 pm in School Work.
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