It’s been a while since I wrote in here, and I think it’s time I updated. I’ve been trying to work out if it’s because I’ve been too busy to write, or done so little I can’t think of anything to write. I think it’s a bit of both.
The first thing which springs to mind, and one which might be obvious from the daily photo page, is that I’ve bought myself a new bike. I’ve always cycled a lot. When I was at secondary school I did a daily paper round on my bike. The round took about an hour up and down hills (although I don’t know how far it was). When I was at college I did a lot less cycling, but then when I went off to university (in fact, at the start of the second year) I bought myself a new bike and cycled from our flat onto campus most days — about 4 miles each way. When I moved here I brought my bike but didn’t use it much. It stayed on the hallway just outside my old flat and I occationally used it to go to Sainsbury’s in the evenings. However, about 6 months after moving in to my flat one night it disapeared, presumably stolen. I didn’t bother replacing it at the time. Having moved to this flat I decided I would get myself a new one. This was partly prompted by now having access to a communal bike shed, and partly because I’m a little concerned about my fitness. So I started out looking for one. My last bike was a GT Aggressor 2 and I liked it a lot, it was very comfortable and I never had any problems with it mechanically and I also liked having disk brakes both front and rear. So when I went out looking for my new bike I started looking at the current GT range. In fact my search was very short — I had a look at the ’09 same range of Aggressor and decided to go for the XC 3. While this wasn’t too expensive, it has everything I need: disk breaks front and back (hydraulic, although I’m not yet sure of the advantages of that over cable), 24 speed Shimano gears (the kind with up and down leavers operated by thumb down and index finger up), and front suspention (this is a little softer than the previous bike and has a quick lockout, both of which are great). I’ve also spent a bit on accessories so it’s also now fitted with lights (my parents actually bought these at christmas for me as a token present along with a donation towards the bike itself), mud guards (better ones than on my old bike, with a front guard which actually turns with the front wheel), and a cycle computer. I now cycle roughtly 3 and a half miles a day, and I’m trying to ease myself into longer journeys — I think this Saturday I might take a trip over to Farnham to see if I can find the ‘Nottingham’ film set which is being built in the woods.
With regards to the ‘busy’ I mentioned, I’ve finally been getting on with work on my latest project (I say latest, but really I’ve been thinking about it on and off for the last 2 years. It’s only now I’ve finally managed to sit down and do some serious work on the project) — The Stage Library. This, along with developing my portfolio (there are some interesting prospects on the horizon which I need to get my portfolio in order for), has meant I’ve had quite a productive couple of weeks.
I apologise if this post is a little mixed up. I seem to be struggling to put my thoughts together coherently today — I’m going to blame the time. I’ll try to write more about The Stage Library and my other prospects shortly but, for now, I think I’ll go to sleep!
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