Daily Photo 2014 Review

Post length: 73 words, about 0 and a half minutes.

Back at the beginning of 2014 I started another year of taking one photo a day. It’s something I had done previously (from March 2009 to March 2010), and decided to do again for a full calendar year. I managed 348 photos meaning that for 17 days I failed to take a photo. The full collection can be seen on the daily photo page, but the following are 15 of my favourites from right through the year. [read more]

Posted on Monday 19th January, 2015 at 9:48 am in Blogging, Life & Love, Photos.
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The daily photo plan: update

Post length: 85 words, about 0 and a half minutes.

I feel bad.  This month I’ve let myself down.  There was a run of 4 days and have been quite a few separate days when I didn’t get a picture for my daily photo gallery, and at least one where I took a picture on a different day to the day I filed it under (although in this case the image was related to the day I labelled it as…).  I must try harder.

Catch up with the gallery here: http://www.flutt.co.uk/daily-photo/

Posted on Wednesday 8th July, 2009 at 9:02 pm in Blogging, Obiter dicta.
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The daily photo plan

Post length: 202 words, almost 1 minute.

I’ve been thinking: as a photographer I don’t take enough photos.  I don’t mean that in reference to work — when I’m working at an event I shoot hundreds of pictures — but rather in my day-to-day life.  I never leave the house without a camera, either one of my work cameras, my general compact, or my phone (which has a better CCD built in than my first digital camera had (although the lens leaves plenty to be desired)), but I just don’t stop to take pictures when I’m out and about of the things which make up my every day life.

So I’ve decided to change this.  My plan is to take a picture every day.  The pictures might be anything — something I did, something which interested me, just something I saw — but whatever the pictures end up being, the hope is that they will build up a montage of my life.

I can’t promise I’ll upload the images every day and, I can’t even promise I’ll manage to get an image every day, but I will do my best and I’ll let you know how I get on.  You can follow the images on my daily photo gallery.

Posted on Thursday 5th March, 2009 at 12:17 am in Blogging, Obiter dicta.
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