General nothing, and Josh’s leaving things…

Post length: 822 words, about 3 and a half minutes.

Ooh, back again, just in time to see March out…and again I can’t think of a title for the entry, lol.

It’s all because nothing is happening, so I have nothing to write about.  College rolls on and on (and on, and on, etc.).  I just can’t wait to get out…and I think everyone I know feels the same – its not just people at my college, people at my old school feel the same, and people I know at other colleges feel the same.  It’s just time for us all to move on, and find something different to do.  Something different like Uni…but I need to get there yet…that’s the thing – I have to work hard now when I don’t want to, and don’t feel enthused to, in order to get to there where I will want to.  Blah, life is hard 😛

I’m still working on my computing project, but I think I will have it done tomorrow or Wednesday (at least I damn well hope so – its already taken a day longer than I wanted it to, although, granted I didn’t work at it as much as a planned last week (going out and all that…actually, did I talk about that last entry?  I don’t think I did…on to that in a second), lol. [read more]

Posted on Monday 31st March, 2003 at 12:00 pm in College, Life & Love, Open Diary.
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