I’m so glad the holidays are looming. This is the last week before two weeks off…and its about time. The scary thing about it is that after this holiday we will have just a few more weeks before the exams kick in…and I mean proper exams…like…the most important exams of my entire life :-\
It’s comforting a little to think that I could just do nothing for some of them and still pass, but I want to get into the Unis I have chosen, so I have to do well! And talking about University, I got a letter from Exeter the other day about accommodation. They have accommodation lists now, and a little posh booklet from which I need to pick where I want to live for at least one year of my life (that is if I get there…). I think I’m going to put off choosing until the holidays though, because I don’t have the time to sit and talk to people about it (my parents, Natalie) at the moment.
And on the subject of Natalie – I’m going to spend lots of time with her in the holidays hopefully (around her work, and the college things Im going to do, and the revision we both are going to do…). Umm, and that’s about all I can say about that, just that I’m going to try to be with her a lot.
And for the last week I have…umm…well done college stuff mainly – I have had to get my computing done (last minute rush, hehe). I have done it, but now have 2 nights to get the documentation done to the point that I can hand it in…blah. Friday I am having 3 hours of politics (that’s 10.30-11.30, 1-2, 3-4) which will be joyful (yeah, right), and then in the first week of the holidays I have penciled in 3 other lessons for ‘revision’ (it will be for the other 3 who are taking it, but new for me because I’m behind, apparently)…and they are in the evenings of the Monday and Tuesday, and then some other time for Wednesday (I think, can’t quite remember).
Finally, my parents are off to Malta in the second week of Easter…so I will be at home, and I have invited Natalie to come and stay with me the nights they are gone. So hopefully 🙂
And that’s it I think!
Ohh, so its November now, and my birthday is in this month, hehe.
Hmmm, well, this week is over, and it was pretty un-eventful. We were only in college for 4 days because there was staff development on Wednesday, so I went to see Natalie and we spent the day together. Its going to be another four day week next week because there is a strike by lecturers on the 5th. I think I might go into college though, and just find a computer that I can do something on, so I’m not stuck at home (if I just stay in I wont end up doing any work, lol). Have to see how I feel on the day.
I think I am going to stay at Natalie’s house tomorrow night, but other than that I have no plans for the weekend…I know I need to do another politics essay for Monday, and I have more notes to write up for it as well (actually I might save that for Tuesday…), but I have a few things to do for college (oh, including the analysis of my computing project that needs to be in for mid November (groan, lol)). I have also decided on my 6th Uni as well – Hull. It looks nice, and they do a good course…and it isn’t too far away either 🙂 [read more]
The weather was certainly right for college – it rained non-stop from just before lunch, and is still raining now. [read more]