A quick catch up

Post length: 912 words, just over 4 minutes.

I’ve been useless at writing recently.  I’ve got lots to write about, and I’ve failed.  I think generally I’ve had a few things to do in the evening when I would normally write this which have taken precedence (although I’ve been a bit useless doing most of those things, too).  I’m going to try to catch up with a few things in one go here, but I’ll try to write in more detail about a couple of other things soon.

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Posted on Wednesday 26th August, 2009 at 12:40 am in Obiter dicta, People, Theatre.
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Sins of the Father: get in

Post length: 520 words, about 2 and a half minutes.

Thursday saw the get in for Sins of the Father.  Initially it looked like we were going to only get an hour and a half in the theatre because it was booked for rehearsals for the house’s producing company but, luckily, things had got a little mixed up somewhere along the line.

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Posted on Saturday 23rd May, 2009 at 3:00 pm in Theatre.
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Sins of the Father: rehearsal one

Post length: 468 words, just over 2 minutes.

I have a friend, Ben, who runs his own theatre company.  They are a bunch of people he’s got together through work, university, theatre school and the like, and they put on plays.  Their work is, to be honest, generally ‘challenging’.  I read but didn’t see their last work.  I’ve just come back from the first dress rehearsal of their current work. [read more]

I think I know what I want…

Post length: 501 words, just over 2 minutes.

I have two sides to me: one artistic and one scientific.  I’ve always had this.  At college I studied sciences – physics, maths, computing – whilst before this I attended a theatre school.  At university I read computer science but spent a lot of time at the radio station and some time with the theatre group.  Now in work I am a photographer but make a considerable amount of my living from web development.  I’ve always tried to balance these sides out, but it’s tough.

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Posted on Wednesday 20th May, 2009 at 11:37 pm in Theatre, Work & Career.
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London Marathon

Post length: 1,086 words, almost 5 minutes.

The 2009 London Marathon took place on the 26th April and I decided I’d go for a day out with my cameras (apparently I do the same thing for fun as I do for work).  It’s the second time I’ve been to the Marathon.  After my pretty successful visit last year I decided I’d try to catch it in different places, so on Saturday night I sat down with a map of the route, the estimated runners times, and a bit of paper and planned my own journey for the day. [read more]

Posted on Thursday 7th May, 2009 at 12:08 am in Obiter dicta, Photography.
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Adult photography

Post length: 642 words, almost 3 minutes.

I was approached yesterday by one of my clients (for whom I’m shooting this year’s Relentless Boardmasters festival in Cornwall this August) asking if I would be willing to shoot some sets for a new website he is producing.  Now, I’m not totally sure of the details of what he is looking for — the details will be worked out if I choose to accept the job — but basically he’s looking for glamour / softcore erotic photographs.

This obviously throws up a few issues, both morally and technically. [read more]

Posted on Friday 27th March, 2009 at 2:24 am in Photography, Work & Career.
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A birthday and the theatre

Post length: 995 words, about 4 and a half minutes.

Phew, it’s been longer than it should have been.  I was going to tell you about the drinks with Dana, Tim and co. a couple of weekends ago and I also need to catch up with last week and end.  So here goes.  I’ll try to be brief! [read more]

Posted on Thursday 5th February, 2009 at 1:36 am in People, Theatre.
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Press neutrality – the view down the lens

Post length: 1,048 words, about 4 and a half minutes.

I read an interesting blog post earlier this week – “To read or not to read?” – written by an MA broadcast journalism student.  In it he talks about the ethics surrounding reading other people’s text messages without their consent.  He uses this example to illustrate a point regarding investigative journalism as a whole.  While we agree on the main point in question, I’m not sure I agreed with everything he says.  I’d recommend you go and have a look at his post, and my comments at the end, as I’m not going to repeat them here.

Then, this weekend, I spotted a copy of The Daily Telegraph on the train open on an article titled “The Mandy and Osborne Show had us in stitches”, so I had a look.  The article I had initially seen was, in fact, not very interesting at all (some comments by an actress about The Spectator’s Parliamentarian of the Year awards), but the item above it was.  The section I was reading was the comment section, and the piece above related to the current economic climate.  The article is clearly comment – it’s not hard fact, it’s one writer’s opinion on the way Gordon Brown has handled the slow down in the economy.  As good comment should be it’s a very biased article. [read more]

Turning down work

Post length: 737 words, about 3 and a half minutes.

It doesn’t happen often but last weekend, amongst all the other turbulent events, I got an offer of work which I decided to turn down.  And it seems I made the right choice. [read more]

Posted on Monday 10th November, 2008 at 4:01 am in Photography, Work & Career.
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Sometimes we all crave a little attention

Post length: 1,634 words, about 7 and a half minutes.

“dont hate me when stories are told”, that’s the message the person I, urm, ‘got to know’ on Friday night posted on her boyfriend’s Facebook wall on Saturday. [read more]

Posted on Monday 3rd November, 2008 at 3:53 am in People, Photography.
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